Promega proteomic webinar

We would like to invite you to the Promega webinar on "Sampling tools for robust, reliable and accurate protein characterizations with a mass specification for proteomic analysis." The webinar will take place this Thursday and will be held in English.


Zveme vás na Promega webinář na téma: „Nástroje pro přípravu vzorků na robustní, spolehlivé a přesné charakterizace proteinů s hromadnou specifikací pro proteomickou analýzu.“ Webinář se uskutečný již tento čtvrtek a celý proběhne v anglickém jazyce.

Podrobný program a možnost registrace naleznete v tomto odkazu:

Promega proteomický webinář




We would like to invite you to the Promega webinar on "Sample preparation tools for robust, reliable and accurate mass spec protein characterization and proteomic analysis." The webinar will take place this Thursday and will be held in English.

Detailed program and registration option can be found in this link:

Promega proteomic webinar